What We Believe
- We believe in one God who is made up of three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
- We believe that by dying while carrying our sins, and rising from the dead, that Jesus has defeated sin, and death forever.
- We believe that through faith, we partake in the redemption that Jesus accomplished for His Creation, and we trust in His Reign.
- We believe that we come to faith by hearing the message of God’s love and redemption; that it is not by any choice or will of our own.
- We believe that all who have received the message of Jesus and believed will receive everlasting life in the New Creation with God.
What it Means to be Lutheran
The term “Lutheran” is actually very broad. There are three large groups of Lutherans in America today and each one differs somewhere on key theological issues.
Ascension Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). We believe, teach, and confess that the Holy Bible is the Word of God. We take a literal approach to scripture until context and relevant scripture urge us otherwise. And fundamental to our doctrine is the fact that salvation is by grace alone through faith, and that no one can choose God by their natural will, or do anything to earn God’s favor and salvation.
In a Lutheran church, you will not be urged to “make a decision,” or “turn your life over to Jesus.” You will rather be exposed to the life changing and faith creating Word of God and the Holy Spirit will do the work of bringing you to faith.